Random Heli Storage & Transport Solution For RC Airplanes

Random Heli Storage & Transport Solution For RC Airplanes

From Random Heli:
Everyone who transports large RC aircraft faces the problem of securing the model to prevent damage. And while there are products on the market that solve parts of the problem, many pilots still end up cobbling together bits of wood, foam, and PVC pipe. These DIY solutions can be cumbersome and often fail to prevent flat spots on main gear wheels and damage to tail wheels and control surfaces.

After customers of their Skid Clamps for RC helicopters kept asking for a solution for airplanes, the company has introduced Gear Jacks: a modular system for storage, maintenance, and transport of large RC airplanes.

Commenting on the design goals for Gear Jacks, Chief Pilot Ray Lepper said, “We wanted to offer pilots a complete solution—one that prevents damage, that’s fast to load and unload, and has the flexibility to fit different airplanes. With a Gear Jacks system, not only do pilots know their plane will arrive at the field undamaged but they don’t have to build a custom hold-down setup for each airplane. They can reconfigure a Gear Jacks setup in just minutes.”

The first four Gear Jacks models were launched at Joe Nall 2017. Two models grip the airplane’s struts; a third model supports the airplane from the wing tube, and a fourth supports the fuselage tail. Additional models that cradle the fuselage of large jet aircraft were demonstrated at Jets Over Kentucky in July 2017.

According to the company, the flexibility of the Gear Jacks system is further enhanced by its ability to be mounted on Gladiator® Gear Track. Using optional hardware that Random Heli provides, Gear Jacks can be quickly repositioned to fit different size or differently configured airplanes.

Rounding out the Gear Jacks system, Random Heli offers a range of accessories including handles and joining plates for Gladiator® Gear Track, kits to build custom length bungees, press on thumb screws for adjustments without tools, and wide neoprene straps to secure delicate fuselages without damage. All Random Heli products are made in the USA and the entire Gear Jacks product range is available from stock on the randomheli.com website

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